happy to read
calls or signal: +39 366540134two
I rarely check
artist statement
This website shows a process and contains projects made inside and outside institutions. The first experiences of creating as being-against helped me understand hidden dynamics of power, media and representation. In more recent experiments towards collective governance and open processes, I explored how crucial is listening as a tool + vulnerable mode for radically doing-with.
There has been an intuition
With this posture I give up producing for the sake of culture and I wander through realized utopias, commons, spontaneous experiences of practical collectivity that I can join and learn from. Sometimes I leave traces (like constructions, writings, images, recipes, tools) and hold spaces (workshops, celebrations, facilitations) for people and collectives who search too.
I am open to professional collaborations within or outside exchange economy, exploring new ways through mutual trust and interdependence. When good enough for now, and safe enough to try.
You can check my CV and gladly reach out for enquiries.